Welcome to the blog at evelin29.com, where we focus on key aspects of producing dietary supplements under your brand. In this article, we will explore the important topic of pricing and margins in white-label products, and what financial strategies we can apply to optimize your business.

Pricing Analysis

Pricing is a crucial process in developing your white-label product strategy. When determining the price of your product, you need to consider the following factors:

Cost of goods: Calculate the total costs associated with production, packaging, marketing, and distributing your white-label product.

Competitive environment: Research the prices of similar products in the market and compare them with your offering. This will help you determine if your price is competitive and attractive to consumers.

Positioning strategy: Decide whether you want to position your product as a luxury, premium, mid-range, or budget brand, and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

Margins and Profits

Once you have set the price of your product, it’s important to understand what margin and profit this price will bring you. To calculate your margins, use the following formula:

[ Margin = (Price – Cost of goods) / Price ]

It’s also important to forecast sales volume and make projections for product realization to determine expected profits.

Financial Strategies for Margin Optimization

To optimize your margins and profits, you can apply the following financial strategies:

Cost reduction: Review your expenses and reduce unnecessary or inefficient costs to increase your margins.

Price increase: Analyze the possibility of raising the price of your product, especially if you offer high-quality or unique supplements.

Increase sales volume: Develop marketing strategies to increase sales volume, such as promotions, advertising campaigns, or loyalty programs.


Pricing and margin management are crucial for the successful operation of your white-label dietary supplement business. At evelin29.com, we are here to assist you in developing financial strategies and optimizing your business to achieve maximum success and profitability. Contact us today to start working together on your goals and projects.

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